The first ever SATU Youth Forum will kick off its opening ceremony on Nov. 9th, followed by the opening ceremony of the second biennial SATU Presidents’ Forum on Nov. 10th at National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, where Dr. Jei-Cheng Cheng, the Minister of Education will make a congratulatory address. This is the first time to have universities from India participating in this Forum.
National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) will be the host for over 70 guests from all over Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, and Indonesia, for the biennial Presidents’ Forum of Southeast and South Asia and Taiwan Universities (SATU) and the first-ever SATU Youth Forum.
Attending the Presidents’ Forum will be nearly one hundred members of SATU forum, Presidents of higher education institutions, and various leaders of the academic and industrial community. During the conference, members will discuss contemporary issues the South and Southeast Asia region are facing, centered in the Forum’s theme “Global Humanity Challenge and Pressing Responsibilities of 21st Century Universities.” Guest speakers include, Dr. Ovid J.L Tzeng, from Taiwan’s Executive Yuan and Mr. Michael Devlin, from the American-based company, Pharos Capital Group.
The Youth Forum will have exceptional students from member universities in attendance. They will participate in globally-themed session talks, roundtable discussions, and a group presentation competition, all focusing on the Forum’s theme, “Global Humanity Challenges”. This conference aims to expand the developing minds of our future leaders, by encouraging and empowering them to reach their full potential.
The Presidents’ Forum of Southeast and South Asia and Taiwan Universities (SATU), created in 2003, was established to contend with the growing economic, social, political, and educational challenges. Higher education institutions in this region set up this venue to advance and encourage international communication and academic cooperation.
Universities in attendance include Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, University of Indonesia, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Ateneo de Manila University, Centro Escolar University, De La Salle University-Manila, Far Eastern University, University of the East, University of the Philippines, University of Santo Tomas, Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, Asian Institute of Technology, Assumption University, Chiang Mai University, Chulalongkorn University, Mahidol University, Thammasat University, Prince of Songkla University, Rangsit University, University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, University of Foreign Trade, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, and 44 universities from Taiwan, including CMU (中國醫學大學), CSU (正修科技大學), CHNA (嘉南藥理科技大學), DYU (大葉大學), CJCU (長榮大學), FYU (輔英科技大學), KSU (崑山科技大學), KMIT (金門技術學院), LTU (嶺東科技大學), Meiho (美和技術學院), MDU (明道大學),NCCU (中正大學), NTHU (清華大學), NCHU (中興大學), , NTU (台灣大學), NTCN (台北護理學院), NTPU (台北大學), NTUST (台灣科技大學), NTUT (台北科技大學), NTTU (台東大學), NTOU (台灣海洋大學), NTCNC (台中護理專科學校), NCKU (成功大學),NCTU(交通大學), NDHU (東華大學)TKU (淡江大學), MCUT (明志科技大學), NPUST (屏東科技大學), NKFUST (高雄第一科技大學), NCYU (嘉義大學), NKHC (高雄餐旅學院), NUK (高雄大學), NCPES (體育學院), STSU (南台科技大學), TTU (大同大學), Tajen (大仁科技大學), THU (東海大學), ISU (義守大學), JUST (景文科技大學), PU (靜宜大學), TCU (慈濟大學), YZU (元智大學), Yuntech (雲林科技大學),WTUC (文藻外語學院) (Alphabetically order)
For additional information on the SATU Presidents’ Forum, please visit or contact Amy Yao at 886-6-275-7575 ext. 50958 or