The National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) hosted the 2008 SATU Youth Forum, the affiliation forum of Presidents’ Forum of Southeast and South Asia and Taiwan Universities (SATU) from 9th to 11th of November, focused on theme “Global Humanity Challenges”, bringing together exceptional students from member universities in attendance.
Held at the ATI Room of the NCKU Electric Engineering Department, the event on November 9th focused on “Preparing to Face the World” with speaker from NCKU President and Chairman of SATU forum, Dr. Michael M.C. Lai.
According to Academician Michael M.C. Lai, the NCKU President and the Chairman of SATU Forum, students must be able to evolve in life and adapt to change in order to prepare to face the world or try to break the language barrier. “Through these sessions student will learn to communicate across geographic borders and cultural barriers, gaining experiences that will stay with them for years to come,” added President Lai.
“The qualities of successful global citizens include good EQ, MQ, AQ, cross-disciplinary knowledge, ability to do team work, communication skills, leadership and entrepreneurship and appreciation to different cultures,” said President Lai.
President Lai pointed out the goals of education in NCKU undergraduate programs rely upon emphases on humanity and professional training, cross-disciplinary training, creative training, entrepreneurship and leadership, communication skill, internationalization (global awareness) as well as social responsibilities and community involvement.
Humanity training features broad vision and character buildup, namely fostering good moral values as well as interpersonal skills. Cross-disciplinary training is to be aware of important issues involving more than specialty knowledge, such as aging society and global warming, to equip with broaden views and experience and fresh ideas. Creativity, the process of asking new questions and solving them, is trainable and includes wisdom and methodology of execution. The world is leading to the age of ideas, from information age and knowledge age. Therefore, creativity is the core of future competition.
Communication skills, which can make yourself and your work known, involves ability to express ideas verbally and in writing as well as to exchange ideas with others.
When it comes to internationalization and globalization, people can become good global citizens through internationalization, which requires proficiency in foreign languages, understanding different cultures and common etiquette, establishing international connections, and keeping abreast of international news.
“University life is not a period of relaxing, but is a time to reflect and grow,” concluded President Lai.
President Lai also encouraged students in attendance not to overlook the world that surrounds them, the society they live in, or the interests of humanity because the foundation of a socially responsible leader is built upon the spirit of cooperation and collaboration, without which changes will not endure.
President Lai said that in order to attain global advancement through higher education, acknowledging the ever-changing challenges of society, multiculturalism, politics, economy, and environmental degradation, is a necessity. President Lai pointed out that an accomplished student of the 21st century possesses a profound understanding of personal and social responsibility. There is certainly no clear solution to the everyday calamities of the 21st century, but the ability to adapt to constant change is a crucial step towards advancement.
“Each of you possesses an undeniable asset setting you apart from others, i.e., knowledge. Since knowledge is power, you hold in your hands a great advantage. The subsequent step, however, is dependent on what each of you chooses to do with this power. The global community needs leaders like you to help alleviate today’s adversities. The knowledge instilled in you is a catalyst for change, a means to empower you to speak up and voice your opinion,” said President Lai.
The conference aims to empower and encourage students to think outside of the box, encourage them to speak out and be heard, and most importantly to realize their important roles and duty as the future leaders to address and ameliorate the calamities faced by our world today.
The Presidents’ Forum of Southeast and South Asia and Taiwan Universities (SATU), created in 2003, was established to contend with the growing economic, social, political, and educational challenges. Higher education institutions in this region set up this venue to advance and encourage international communication and academic cooperation.
About SATU Forum
As the Southeast and South Asian region is facing critical challenges in economic, societal, and politic structures, there is a need to gather experts and educators to exchange ideas and face shared challenges. The excellence of universities is an important key to enhance a nation’s competitiveness. Therefore, the Former President Chiang Kao of NCKU together with Presidents of prestigious universities of Southeast Asian countries initiated the “Presidents’ Forum of Southeast Asia and Taiwan Universities” (abbreviated as SATU Presidents’ Forum) to provide a venue for academics to share their valuable experiences to improve higher education and international cooperation in the region. Hence, the Secretariat of SATU Presidents’ Forum (which includes divisions of Secretariat, Academic Exchange, Student Affairs, and Industry-Academia Collaboration) has been established at National Cheng Kung University to coordinate and to promote the related activities.
SATU Presidents’ Forum will be held biennially to achieve the following objectives: 1.To strengthen the academic cooperation between Taiwan and Southeast Asian countries. 2. To foster internationalization through academic and cultural exchange and collaboration. 3. To promote the quality of education, research, and community services. 4. To establish exchange programs for university students, faculty and administrative staffs. 5. To enhance partnership between industry and academia. 6. To facilitate sustainable development in economic, social and environmental aspects.