【0117 防疫公告】請大家於農曆新年期間遵守防疫措施及留意健康狀況

  1. 參加室內活動者,請記得配戴口罩。
  2. 若有出現身體不適,如發燒、呼吸道症狀等,請減少與他人直接接觸。
  3. 若有上述症狀,可進行自我快篩或就醫。
  4. 若自我快篩陽性者,可利用臺南市 COVID-19 快篩視訊判讀門診,讓醫師診視確認。(臺南市 COVID-19 快篩視訊判讀診所)無門診期間,或症狀嚴重者,亦可至急診就醫。
國立成功大學嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎防疫小組 敬上


To all faculty, staffs, and students,

There are many celebration activities and people during Lunar New Year holidays, and thus please pay attention to your health. Please note the following:

  1. Please remember to wear a mask when you attend indoor activities.
  2. If you feel unwell, such as fever or airway symptoms, please reduce direct contacts with others.
  3. If the above symptoms develop, you may perform self-test for COVID-19 or seek medical attention.
  4. If the result of self-test is positive, you may utilize Tainan City telemedicine consultations to confirm your status about COVID-19 by doctor. (https://sites.google.com/view/covid-19screen?pli=1) If there are no available clinics or your symptoms are severe, you may also visit emergency department.

Regards from NCKU COVID-19 Prevention Caucus

Jan. 17, 2023


維護單位: 新聞中心
更新日期: 2023-01-17