Written by Amber Tyan. Image credit to NCKU Office of International Affairs
2023 Freshmen Welcome with professors at NCKU and Purdue
On the evening of August 29th, the NCKU Office of International Affairs, in collaboration with the Departments of Mechanical Engineering (ME), Electrical Engineering (EE), and Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE), co-organized the AY2023 Freshmen Welcome Reception to the NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program. NCKU Executive Vice President Hong-Chen Chen (陳鴻震) gave a welcome remark and heart-warming advice.
During the Welcome Reception, Executive Vice President Dr. Hong-Chen Chen outlined five expectations for students: the ability to develop leadership and problem-solving skills, a commitment to lifelong learning, work-oriented dedication, a strong moral compass, and a sense of social responsibility. In addition, Dr. Chen shared the rich history of the 70-year collaboration between NCKU and Purdue and introduced the dual-degree program, encouraging students to embark on a challenging journey.
“NCKU and Purdue have a rich history of 70 years of exchange and cooperation,” noted Executive Vice President Chen. “Purdue is a well-known college of engineering in the United States. With Purdue, NCKU has been actively promoting the dual-degree program. Students admitted to this program complete the first three years of the four-year Bachelor of Science program at NCKU, and complete the 4th year in Engineering at Purdue University. Qualified students may advance their study in graduate programs of Engineering to obtain their master's degrees with high chance in one additional year at Purdue University. It's a small investment with significant results, as students may obtain a master's degree in one year with a high chance, after completing their NCKU bachelor's degree. Compared to students of the same age, our students are offered a broader vision and a clear path ahead. We hold high expectations for our students and hope that parents will show their support. We look forward to fruitful outcomes and abundant rewards in the future."

Executive Vice President Dr. Hong-Chen Chen outlined expectations for students
The event was attended by Executive Vice President Dr. Hong-Chen Chen and several professors, along with over a hundred students and parents. The event included a video conference with professors from Purdue University and the presentation Walk the Talk 2023 by sophomore students, highlighting their English learning achievements over the past year. In addition to an exhibition of English posters created by students, student groups from the three departments mentioned above demonstrated fluent English oral presentations through a replication of TED Talks called NCKU Talk and shared their real campus experiences, receiving enthusiastic applause from the audience.
Also in attendance that day were Prof. Hung-Yu Kao (高宏宇), Vice Dean of the NCKU College of EECS; Prof. Shen-Haw Ju (朱聖浩), Vice Dean of the NCKU College of Engineering; Prof. Chien-Sheng Liu (劉建聖), Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering; Prof. Chih-Hsing Liu (劉至行), Associate Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering; Prof. Meng-Hsueh Chiang (江孟學), Chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering; Prof. Chin-Lung Yang (楊慶隆), Associate Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering; Prof. Yeim-Kuan Chang (張燕光), Chair of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering; Prof. Tz-Cheng Chiu (屈子正) of the Department of Mechanical Engineering; Director Hsin-Hui Tseng (曾馨慧), representative of the Office of Academic Affairs; Meng-Li Chen (陳孟莉), representative of the Office of Student Affairs, and three English teachers, Patrick Wyton, Chris Herbert, and Caro Chung.

Associate Vice President for International Affairs Prof. Sherry Shu-Jung Hu presented the NCKU-Purdue dual degree program
In the NCKU Walk The Talk session, sophomore students not only shared their NCKU life but also their experiences and insights from attending intensive courses at Purdue University during summer vacation. For those interested in extensive information about the program, the special report "NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program Cultivates Future International Engineers: Short-term Exchange in Summer 2023" sheds light on more course material. Yi-Xiang Chen, an NCKU CSIE student attending the summer course at Purdue, said that he had harbored a strong interest in AI and the gaming industry ever since junior high school and had participated in several science fairs. After completing the summer course in July, he has already started preparing for his senior year at Purdue University.
NCKU Walk The Talk speakers presented their campus life
The professors of Purdue University also expressed their congratulations and welcome to NCKU freshmenfreshmen through online meetings. This included Prof. Milind Kulkarni, Interim Head and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Prof. William Crossley, Head of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Prof. George Chiu, Assistant Dean for Global Engineering Programs, and Prof. Tom I-P. Shih of the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Prof. Eckhard Groll of Mechanical Engineering expressed his greeting via a prerecorded video. Thomas Fann, an NCKU alumnus and the President of TECO Electric & Machinery Co., Ltd. also offered his encouragement and expectations.
The reception wrapped up in a warm atmosphere, leaving the freshmen with an expectation of what life on campus might be, and a better understanding of their opportunities for further education in NCKU.
A group photo of all teachers and students that attended the Walk the Talk 2023 and AY2023 Student Welcome Reception