President Meng-Ru Shen Led NCKU Delegation to Visit UMP, Aiming to Strengthen Collaboration in Scientific Research, Academia-Industry Technology Transfer, and Global Talent Cultivation.

Written by Amy Lin. Image credit to NCKU Office of International Affairs.
沈孟儒校長率團訪問越南胡志明市醫藥大學 強化科研共著、產學技轉及跨國人才培育  國立成功大學沈孟儒校長於11月2日率團訪問越南胡志明市醫藥大學(Ho Chi Minh City Medicine and Pharmacy University,簡稱UMP),並參訪其大學醫學中心(University Medical Center),兩校未來仍將持續強化科研共著、產學技轉及跨國人才培育等面向合作,期盼拓展科學研究合作基礎,推動更深度的國際鏈結與移動交流。  越南胡志明市醫藥大學為成大之堅實夥伴,兩校自2017年11月啟用共同研究中心(UMP-NCKU Joint Research Center),胡志明市醫藥大學亦自2020年加入由成大主要創辦之臺灣與東南亞暨南亞大學校長論壇(簡稱SATU Presidents' Forum),自前任蘇慧貞校長時期即奠下堅實的合作基礎,展現兩校長期交流成果,該共研中心亦作為成大越南海外基地,提升兩校對話效率及鏈結區域夥伴。  雙方會議首先由成大羅偉誠主任秘書簡介成功大學最新的資訊更新給胡志明醫藥大學。由成大醫學院附設醫院李經維院長則開頭探討國立成功大學與胡志明市醫藥大學的潛在研究合作領域,主要是健康醫療方面。  沈孟儒校長致詞表示,期盼透過跨國活動共創研究成果,培育下世紀人才,將創新應用成果回饋全球社會,促進符合聯合國永續發展目標之生態體系。在教育的面向從學生的交換、實習到產學合作,都可更進一步深入合作,也可尋求其他聯盟學校進行三方合作。  成大理學院蔡錦俊院長也特別提到,理學院的基礎研究也可以很有應用的潛力,例如應用數學與AI應用於醫學影像的判讀,化學奈米在醫藥上的開發應用以及光電半導體於生醫微小樣本的快速檢測等,可以有很好的合作關係。  雙方於會議中分享近年兩校學術發展成果、整體國際策略與目標,胡志明市醫藥大學由董事會主席Tran Diep Tuan、副校長兼醫學中心院長Nguyen Hoang Bac、以及公共衛生、基礎科學、牙醫學、護理學及醫學科技等學院高層代表與會,與成大訪團深入對談,希冀以學術研究帶動短期密集課程、共授課程、學分共同採認、師生互訪、跨國產學鏈結等國際合作。  成大與胡志明市醫藥大學自2017年起至今共簽署交換學生、交換教授、共研計畫、海外基地、廣泛型合作等合約,發表學術共同著作之議題涵蓋女童早期營養攝取、口腔細胞感染致癌機制、空氣污染與肺葉氣腫、乳癌偵測、大腸直腸癌發展、睡眠呼吸中止症等。本次成大訪團成員一行包括沈孟儒校長、成大越南校友會謝朝煌會長、成大醫院李經維院長、羅偉誠主任秘書、理學院院長蔡錦俊、物理學系陳家駒特聘教授、黃姿儀秘書等代表。  胡志明市醫藥大學創立於1947年,位於越南胡志明市,為以醫科和藥學為主要專業之國立大學,前身為越南共和國的著名學府「西貢醫科大學」。每年培訓約15000名學生,聘僱約1000名教員。具有基礎科學、醫學、藥學、越南傳統醫學、公共衛生學、護理學及醫學科技、以及牙醫學等學院,更設有大學醫學中心。
NCKU President Meng-Ru Shen led a delegation to visit UMP and its medical center on November 2nd.
Headed by President Meng-Ru Shen, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) delegation visited Ho Chi Minh City Medicine and Pharmacy University (UMP) on November 2nd. During the visit, NCKU delegation toured the UMP Medical Center to strengthen collaboration in science research, academia-industry technology transfer, and global talent cultivation. Both universities aimed to expand the foundation of scientific research cooperation and foster advanced global connections, mobility, and exchanges.
As firm academic partners, UMP and NCKU launched the UMP-NCKU Joint Research Center in November 2017. In 2020, UMP became a SATU Presidents' Forum member, initiated by NCKU. The solid foundation for collaboration was set up during the tenure of former NCKU President Huey-Jen Jenny Su, demonstrating the considerate accomplishments of long-term academic exchanges between the two universities. UMP-NCKU Joint Research Center is also regarded as NCKU's overseas hub in Vietnam, enhancing communication efficiency and regional partnerships between NCKU, UMP, and their partner institutions.
In his address, President Meng-Ru Shen anticipated creating collaborative research outputs through cross-national activities and nurturing next-generation talents.
The mutual meeting commenced with a briefing of NCKU’s latest updates and progress delivered by NCKU Secretary General Wei-Cheng Lo. Later, Dr. Jing-Wei Lee, Superintendent of NCKU Hospital, initiated discussions on potential research collaboration, mainly on healthcare, between NCKU and UMP.
President Meng-Ru Shen, in his address, expressed anticipation for the creation of collaborative research outputs through cross-national activities. He emphasized nurturing next-generation talents, creating innovative applications beneficial to the global society, and facilitating an international ecosystem that meets the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. President Shen believed that collaboration on education, encompassing student exchanges, internships, and industry-academia collaboration, would enhance a more fundamental corporation and explore the possibilities of trilateral collaboration with allied universities.
Dr. Chin-Chun Tsai, Dean of NCKU College of Science (the left), mentioned that the foundational research of College of Science is full of application potential.
Dr. Chin-Chun Tsai, Dean of NCKU College of Science, mentioned that the foundational research of College of Science is full of application potential. Dr. Tsai exemplified the application of mathematics and AI in the interpretation of medical images, the development of chemistry of nanomaterials in medical research, and the practice of semiconductor optoelectronic devices for the rapid detection of biomedical microsamplings, which illustrate significant interdisciplinary collaborations.
During the meeting, both universities shared current academic achievements, overall global strategies and goals. UMP representatives, including Chair of the Board Tran Diep Tuan, Vice President and Dean of the Medical Center Nguyen Hoang Bac, as well as senior representatives from Colleges of Public Health, Basic Sciences, Dentistry, Nursing, and Medical Technology, engaged in in-depth discussions with NCKU delegation. Both universities expect the joint academic research to boost cross-national collaborations, such as short-term intensive courses, co-teaching programs, mutual recognition of credits, faculty and student exchanges, and cross-national industry-academia linkages.
NCKU and UMP shared current academic achievements, overall global strategies, and goals during these two years.
Since 2017, NCKU and UMP have signed mutual agreements, covering student and faculty exchanges, joint research projects, the overseas hub, and extensive collaborations. Issues of joint academic publications of NCKU and UMP encompassed early nutrient intake for girls, the mechanisms of carcinogenesis of oral infection, air pollution and lung lobar emphysema, breast cancer detection, colorectal cancer development, and sleep apnea. NCKU delegation included President Meng-Ru Shen, Chair of NCKU Vietnam Alumni Association Jau-Hwang Hsieh, NCKU Hospital Superintendent Jing-Wei Lee, Secretary General Wei-Cheng Lo, Dean of College of Science Chin-Chun Tsai, Distinguished Professor of Department of Physics Chia-Chu Chen, and Secretary Zoey Huang.
Founded in 1947, Ho Chi Minh City Medicine and Pharmacy University is located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. UMP was a medical school that belonged to the University of Saigon during the period of the Republic of Vietnam and emerged later as a prestigious national university excelling in medicine and pharmacy. UMP cultivates approximately 15,000 students annually and owns about 1,000 faculties. Academic structures of UMP include Faculty of Fundamental Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Traditional Medicine, Public Health, Nursing & Medical Technology, Odonto-Stomatology, and the University Medical Center.
Provider: NCKU News Center
Date: 2023-11-16