NCKU Confers Honorary Doctorate to Bowei Lee, Chairman of the LCY Group

Written by Hsu Tsu-Yueh. Image credit to NCKU News Center.
From the right: NCKU President Meng-Ru Shen, Honorary Doctor Bowei Lee, Vice President of OAA Sheng-Chih Shen
(Taipei, December 26, 2023) National Cheng Kung University conferred an honorary Doctor of Engineering degree to Mr. Bowei Lee (李謀偉), recognizing his substantial contributions to society. Dr. Bowei Lee, Chairman of the LCY Group, transformed the group into a world-class enterprise and has long been cultivating the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) field. He has also facilitated the participation of Taiwan's chemical-related industry in international chemical engineering conferences. In addition, he established the LCY Education Foundation to actively nurture talent, promote academic exchange, and make significant contributions to academia and the profession.
The honorary doctorate conferment ceremony took place in the morning at the historical building of Ge-Chi Hall in NCKU. Sheng-Chih Shen, Vice President of the Office of Academic Affairs, read the recommendation letter, and NCKU President Meng-Ru Shen, presented the degree certificate. Dr. Bowei Lee’s 95-year-old mother, Mrs. Tan Lan Lee, his wife, Ms Christine Sai-Fen Young(née), his daughter, Dr. Michelle Wan-Jung Lee, as well as close relatives, friends, and senior executives from the LCY Group, attended the ceremony. Dr. Michelle Wan-Jung Lee, on behalf of the family, presented flowers during the event.
Chair of the Alliance Cultural Foundation Stanley Yen (嚴長壽), a close friend of Dr. Bowei Lee, attended the ceremony to extend his congratulations. Stanley Yen mentioned in his speech that Dr. Bowei Lee has exhibited the essence of hard work and perseverance, achieving significant success in his career while also showing a strong commitment to education and academia. However, what is most commendable is his determined attitude and scientific approach in facing the Kaohsiung gas explosion incident. Through scientific methods, he successfully secured a court verdict that acquitted all the defendants of LCY Chemical Corporation. The contributions earned Dr. Bowei Lee the well-deserved honorary doctorate.
LCY Group Chairman Bowei Lee receives an honorary doctorate from NCKU
The ceremony was simple and dignified. Dr. Bowei Lee expressed gratitude for the honorary doctorate of Engineering conferred by NCKU. He mentioned that after obtaining his master's degree, he originally intended to pursue a doctoral degree, but his father called him back to join the business. Currently in a semi-retired state, he is learning German and Japanese, and simultaneously pursuing a doctoral degree. To his surprise, he received an honorary doctorate from NCKU. Dr. Bowei Lee disclosed that his father was once a student at NCKU but, unfortunately, was unable to complete his degree due to wartime circumstances. Now, as a part of the NCKU family himself, he hopes to contribute to the university in the future.
Dr. Bowei Lee repeatedly expresses heartfelt gratitude to NCKU professors for nominating him for an honorary doctorate. He also extends his thanks to friends, classmates, and colleagues who worked alongside him. He appreciates the guidance and assistance of his teachers and acknowledges the rivals that have enabled him to recognize his shortcomings and continuously improve, progressing day by day. Furthermore, he is deeply grateful to his parents for their cultivation and to his wife for her unwavering support and encouragement.
Group photo of Bowei Lee (5th from the right) with close friends and family
Dr. Bowei Lee holds a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree in Chemical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a Master's degree in Business Administration from Stanford University. In 2022, Dr. Bowei Lee was invited by Select USA to be a speaker and panelist at the Select USA Investment Summit, facilitating the economic and trade relations between Taiwan and the United States and contributing to promoting Taiwan's industrial strength. In terms of academic aspects, since 2011, Dr. Bowei Lee has served as a member of advisory committees at institutions such as Stanford University, MIT, and UCLA. Through involvement in school affairs and contributions to scholarship funds, he has worked to ensure more opportunities for outstanding Taiwanese students to pursue higher education. In 2011, he introduced the design thinking course from Stanford University to incorporate it into employee training and, in addition, he co-organized workshops with various universities in Taiwan to enhance innovative thinking on campuses.
The LCY Education Foundation aims to enhance the overall competence and technical proficiency of students nationwide by providing scholarships to outstanding individuals each year. From 2019 to 2021, a total of 10 students from NCKU were awarded scholarships. The LCY Chemical Corporation has previously partnered with professors from NCKU Department of Chemical Engineering in industry-academic collaboration. In 2023, it became a strategic partner for the newly established Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing at NCKU. In the future, there will be additional opportunities for industry-academic collaboration, working together to cultivate the next generation talents and drive innovation and sustainable development in the southern region.
Provider: NCKU News Center
Date: 2024-01-16