<![CDATA[NCKU, National Cheng Kung University - Stories & Perspectives 2020]]> utf-8 2025-02-07 15:16:34 2025-02-07 15:16:34 <![CDATA[A quantum leap in our understanding of the quantum world, after half a century]]> As a physical theory for predicting observations at the (subatomic) microscopic level, quantum theory is essentially imp...

<![CDATA[Taiwan, SKorea, World Customs Organization team up on data analysis project]]> A team from National Cheng Kung University in southern Taiwan’s Tainan City is cooperating with South Korea based-Instit...]]> 2020-07-01 <![CDATA[The Tainan PinkDot explores the topic of gender expression in its sixth year of campaigning for gender equality]]> The Tainan PinkDot enters its sixth year on its quest to promote sexual equality. This year, gender expression is the ce...

<![CDATA[German exchange students share their experiences with living in Taiwan during the pandemic]]> 2

The exchange students talked about their life in Taiwan.


May 2020 marks the 1-year anniversary of the Technische Univ...

<![CDATA[【Video】Covid-19 Prevention Guide for International Students]]> @media (min-width:1204px) { .iframe-style { height: 480px; } } @media (max-width:1190px) { .iframe-style { height: 36...]]> 2020-04-04 <![CDATA[Marine Biology and Cetacean Research Center Does Its Best to Preserve the Blue Whale’ s Skeleton.]]>  
Cleaning bones and getting rid of rotten meat of a blue whale, the largest animal around the world, Marine Biology and...
<![CDATA[Sun, Chuan-Wen and Kao, Chia Chuen, Professors Emeritus of NCKU, receive Freundschaftsmedaille.]]> German Institute Taipei awarded Freundschaftsmedaille (Friendship Medal) to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sun, Chuan-Wen, Professor Eme...

<![CDATA[Chang has made the WWOX gene his life’s work]]> 2020-02-18 <![CDATA[NCKU Holds Benefit Concert for Sufferers of Epidermolysis Bullosa]]> Epidermolysis Bullosa is a rare genetic condition that causes skin diseases and ulcerations. Those who have this conditi...
