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NCKU Professors win CIE Outstanding Engineering Professors Award

Tainan, Taiwan, May 29, 2015

The Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE) organizes a selection for Outstanding Engineering Professors every year to bestow the awards on distinguished engineers. This year a total of nine distinguished engineering professors are awarded including four professors from National Cheng Kung University (NCKU).

In addition, Prof. Teh-Lu Liao from the Department of Engineering Science won CIE-Kaohsiung Chapter Outstanding Engineering Professors.

The recipients will be awarded at CIE celebration & Joint Annual Convention held by China Steel on June 5.

The four professors receiving 2015 CIE Outstanding Engineering Professors Awards are Prof. Tsair-Fuh Lin from the Department of Environmental Engineering, Prof. Fong-Chin Su from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Prof. Tsorng-Juu Liang from the Department of Electrical Engineering, and Prof. Jo-Shu Chang from the Department of Chemical Engineering.

CIE has a strict standard of the selection for Outstanding Engineering Professors, selecting at most ten recipients a year.

NCKU is renowned for engineering and NCKU professors have been awarded every year since CIE established the annual Outstanding Engineering Professor awards.

The Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE) established the annual Outstanding Engineering Professor awards to recognize Taiwan’s engineering faculty for their contributions. Every year, the CIE establishes a selection committee to evaluate the achievements of full-time engineering professors, associate professors and assistant professors working in private and public colleges and universities.
Provider: News Center
Date: 104.05.29
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