NCKU Professors and Students shine in winning EE Awards

Tainan, Taiwan, 30 Dec. 2011
Dr. Yonhua Tzeng and Dr. Chung-Hsien Wu of National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in southern Taiwan won the 2011 “Distinguished Electrical Engineering Professor Awards” and Mr. Tsung-Wei Huang and Mr. Kai-Ti Hsu won the Best Paper Awards for Young Electrical Engineers in the National Convention of Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineers held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan on December 16, 2011.
“While I share the joys and honor with many colleagues who won the same award in the past years, I feel more responsible to pursue excellence and to meet the expectation of my peers in the future,” said Yonghua Tzeng, Chair Professor of Electrical Engineering (EE) and Dean of College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS).
Tzeng is distinguished for his contributions to micro- and nanotechnology, especially diamond thin films and carbon technologies. In recent years he has established multi-disciplinary team research projects and brought about significant impact to health care and medical sensing and detection.
He was elected Fellow of IEEE and Chair Professorship of Auburn University, Alabama, USA. He returned to Taiwan in 2005 to contribute to higher education in Taiwan with his nearly 30 years of extensive experiences in US, Europe, and Japan. Since then, he served generously with enthusiasm for NCKU as Director of the Center of Micro-Nano Science and Technology, Director of Institute of Nanotechnology and Microsystems Engineering, Vice President for Research and Development, and assumed the deanship of College of EECS in 2009.
“I appreciate the recognition by Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineers and will continue my devotion to education and research,” said Chung-Hsien Wu, Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE) and Vice Dean of EECS.
As one of a few researchers on cross-disciplinary research of speech signal and computational linguistics, Wu has contributed significantly to speech and language processing technology, including an intelligent spoken dialog system whose technology of speech synthesis has been transferred to Chunghwa Telecom Lab, and Taiwanese Sign Language Communication and Learning System, which has been used as a teaching tool in National Tainan University and National Tainan School for the Hearing Impaired.
Tsung-Wei Huang and Kai-Ti Hsu received the 1st and the 3rd place of the Best Paper Awards for Young Electrical Engineers among 77 applicants.
Huang’s project developed computer-aided-design (CAD) tools for digital microfluidic biochips (DMFBs) which not only automatically accomplish each design step of DMFBs but also provide optimizations to guarantee the execution correctness, chip reliability, and efficiency. Huang also outstands himself because it took him only one year to complete his MS study during which he published over 10 papers.
Hsu presented a distributed framework that not only reduces the workload and complexity but achieves the ability of parallelism on processing layout. This efficient distributed framework for performing DRC will be of great value to both the designer and the mask synthesis engineer. His work is also a research result of the joint project with Synopsys and already published in ACM/IEEE DAC which is the top conference in EDA area.
Papers by both Huang and Hsu were directed by Dr. Tsung-Yi Ho, Professor of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE), whose devotion to student training has produced many award-winners from MOE, NARL, Microsoft, Mediatek, CIEE, IICM, TIEEE, IEEE, and etc. Above all, Ho’s students won the 1st place in the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) and the 2nd place in the ACM SRC Grand Final. Both records are the first time that Taiwan’s team received the honor.
College of EECS, NCKU is well known for its outstanding academic and applied research whose graduates are most favorable by industries and enterprises. About 120 faculty members of College of EECS educate more than 3000 students, among whom, about 2000 are graduate students. Recently, Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Association of Taiwan announced that based on academic publications, NCKU ranks the 10thin EE discipline and the 13thin the CS discipline in the world.
Dr. Yonhua Tzeng and Dr. Chung-Hsien Wu of National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in southern Taiwan won the 2011 “Distinguished Electrical Engineering Professor Awards” and Mr. Tsung-Wei Huang and Mr. Kai-Ti Hsu won the Best Paper Awards for Young Electrical Engineers in the National Convention of Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineers held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan on December 16, 2011.
“While I share the joys and honor with many colleagues who won the same award in the past years, I feel more responsible to pursue excellence and to meet the expectation of my peers in the future,” said Yonghua Tzeng, Chair Professor of Electrical Engineering (EE) and Dean of College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS).
Tzeng is distinguished for his contributions to micro- and nanotechnology, especially diamond thin films and carbon technologies. In recent years he has established multi-disciplinary team research projects and brought about significant impact to health care and medical sensing and detection.
He was elected Fellow of IEEE and Chair Professorship of Auburn University, Alabama, USA. He returned to Taiwan in 2005 to contribute to higher education in Taiwan with his nearly 30 years of extensive experiences in US, Europe, and Japan. Since then, he served generously with enthusiasm for NCKU as Director of the Center of Micro-Nano Science and Technology, Director of Institute of Nanotechnology and Microsystems Engineering, Vice President for Research and Development, and assumed the deanship of College of EECS in 2009.
“I appreciate the recognition by Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineers and will continue my devotion to education and research,” said Chung-Hsien Wu, Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE) and Vice Dean of EECS.
As one of a few researchers on cross-disciplinary research of speech signal and computational linguistics, Wu has contributed significantly to speech and language processing technology, including an intelligent spoken dialog system whose technology of speech synthesis has been transferred to Chunghwa Telecom Lab, and Taiwanese Sign Language Communication and Learning System, which has been used as a teaching tool in National Tainan University and National Tainan School for the Hearing Impaired.
Tsung-Wei Huang and Kai-Ti Hsu received the 1st and the 3rd place of the Best Paper Awards for Young Electrical Engineers among 77 applicants.
Huang’s project developed computer-aided-design (CAD) tools for digital microfluidic biochips (DMFBs) which not only automatically accomplish each design step of DMFBs but also provide optimizations to guarantee the execution correctness, chip reliability, and efficiency. Huang also outstands himself because it took him only one year to complete his MS study during which he published over 10 papers.
Hsu presented a distributed framework that not only reduces the workload and complexity but achieves the ability of parallelism on processing layout. This efficient distributed framework for performing DRC will be of great value to both the designer and the mask synthesis engineer. His work is also a research result of the joint project with Synopsys and already published in ACM/IEEE DAC which is the top conference in EDA area.
Papers by both Huang and Hsu were directed by Dr. Tsung-Yi Ho, Professor of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE), whose devotion to student training has produced many award-winners from MOE, NARL, Microsoft, Mediatek, CIEE, IICM, TIEEE, IEEE, and etc. Above all, Ho’s students won the 1st place in the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) and the 2nd place in the ACM SRC Grand Final. Both records are the first time that Taiwan’s team received the honor.
College of EECS, NCKU is well known for its outstanding academic and applied research whose graduates are most favorable by industries and enterprises. About 120 faculty members of College of EECS educate more than 3000 students, among whom, about 2000 are graduate students. Recently, Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Association of Taiwan announced that based on academic publications, NCKU ranks the 10thin EE discipline and the 13thin the CS discipline in the world.