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The Second Cohort of the NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program About to Depart for America mid-August to Complete Fourth-year Studies

Written by Amber Tyan. Image credit to NCKU Office of Internation Affairs
The second cohort of the Class of 2025 of the NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program will be heading to Purdue University in the United States to complete their fourth year of school this August (2024).
The second cohort of the Class of 2025 of the NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program, consisting of 22 junior students from NCKU, will be heading to Purdue University in the United States to complete their fourth year of school this August (2024). On the evening of June 21st, the NCKU Office of International Affairs held a farewell ceremony at the Future Venue to send them off with best wishes.
To encourage the second cohort of the NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program for successfully applying to Purdue University and completing their first to third-year studies at NCKU, and to wish them success in obtaining their bachelor's degrees from NCKU and further applying to Purdue University for graduate school, the Office of International Affairs at NCKU held a farewell ceremony at the Future Venue on the evening of June 21st. The atmosphere at the event was comfortable and pleasant as many teachers and mentors who had accompanied the students throughout their journey attended in person to offer their blessings. Teachers that attended the event are as follows: Prof. Pau-Choo Chung, Dean of the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Prof. Shen-Haw Ju, Vice Dean of the College of Engineering; Prof. Shu-Ying Wang, Director of Division of Study Abroad, OIA; Prof. Chien-Sheng Liu, Rotating Program Chair, Chair of Mechanical Engineering; Prof. Chih-Hsing Liu, Vice Chair of Mechanical Engineering; Prof. Meng-Hsueh Chiang, Chair of Electrical Engineering; Prof. Chin-Lung Yang, Vice Chair of Electrical Engineering; Prof. Chung-Ping Young of the Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering; Prof. Tian-Shiang Yang of the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering; Prof. Su-Yuen Hsu and his wife Mrs. Shu-Man Chien, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics; Prof. Ching-Hsia Hung of the Dept. of Physical Therapy, and so forth.
Prof. Pau-Choo Chung encouraged students to not only strive in their studies but also to participate in extracurricular activities to broaden their horizons, utilizing their environment and expanding their networks.
Prof. Pau-Choo Chung encouraged students to not only strive in their studies but also to participate in extracurricular activities to broaden their horizons, utilizing their environment and expanding their networks. Prof. Shen-Haw Ju personally shared the best practices for studying abroad: monitoring one’s health, preparing for classes in advance, participating in projects to secure scholarships, and actively engaging in local activities. Prof. Shu-Ying Wang, Director of Division of Study Abroad, OIA, expressed gratitude for the selfless dedication of the faculty involved in this program and encouraged the students to carry the confidence, kindness, and integrity of NCKU students to face future challenges.
Prof. Shen-Haw Ju personally shared the best practices for studying abroad: monitoring one’s health, preparing for classes in advance, participating in projects to secure scholarships, and actively engaging in local activities.
The Future Venue, where the farewell ceremony was held, previously known as the old main library of NCKU, was built in the 1950s during the period of U.S. aid as part of a cooperative project between Purdue University and NCKU. The second cohort of the NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program students enrolled during the COVID-19 pandemic and could only attend the freshman welcome event online at that time. Therefore, conducting the farewell ceremony in the Future Venue holds a highly meaningful gesture. It not only represents the historical origin of the connection between the two universities but also encourages the students to take pride in being part of the NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program and to create a bright future. 
Dylan Hsieh from the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Spring Yang from the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, both representatives of the Class of 2024, recently returned from the U.S. and made a special trip back to campus to encourage their junior peers
Representatives of the first cohort of the NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program, Dylan Hsieh from the Department of Mechanical Engineering (Class of 2024) and Spring Yang from the Department of Electrical Engineering (Class of 2024), recently returned from the United States and made a special trip back to campus to encourage their junior peers and to share their experiences of studying in the U.S. Both seniors completed their fourth-year studies at Purdue University and successfully applied to Purdue University for graduate school. They provided inspiration and motivation to the juniors who were about to embark on their journey. Hsieh encouraged the juniors to seize opportunities to explore their areas of interest and actively participate in after-class tutoring sessions to build good relationships with professors. Yang shared the differences in daily life between Taiwan and the U.S. and humorously remarked that the biggest improvement he made was actually in his culinary skills.
Joshua Lin, a representative of the second cohort of the NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program from the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering (Class of 2025), shared his journey from graduating high school to joining the NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program.
Joshua Lin, a representative of the second cohort of the NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program from the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering (Class of 2025), shared his journey from graduating high school to joining the NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program. He expressed gratitude to the teachers and administrative staff and encouraged his fellow students to study diligently, maintain a good daily routine, and to always keep an open mindset towards their goals. He anticipates their further growth during their journey in the U.S.
The second cohort of the NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program is about to embark on their journey this August. The NCKU Office of International Affairs held a farewell ceremony at the Future Venue to send them off with best wishes.
According to the NCKU Office of International Affairs, the first cohort of the NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program students have successfully completed their fourth-year studies at Purdue University, and the second cohort, being sent off today, is about to embark on their journey. Additionally, from June 29 to July 14, 2024, the fourth cohort (Class of 2027) of first-year students will also be heading to Purdue University for a two-week intensive course and cultural exchange experience. In September, the fifth cohort (Class of 2028) of new students will be admitted.
Provider: NCKU News Center
Date: 2024-07-12
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