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First Cohort of the NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program All Admitted to U.S. graduate schools, Achieving Outstanding Results

Written by Amber Tyan. Image credit to NCKU Office of Internation Affairs.
The first cohort of students from the NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program was all admitted to master's programs at Purdue University, marking an important milestone in the collaborative education efforts between NCKU and Purdue.
The first cohort of students took a group photo at the Purdue Engineering Fountain wearing their NCKU bachelor's gowns
The first cohort of the Purdue Dual Degree Program students enrolled in 2020. During their first three years at NCKU, they received professional training courses from Purdue each year, and they took Purdue Engineering Online Courses (PEOC), gaining experience in taking Purdue’s graduate-level courses. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, the specially arranged summer study tour at Purdue was postponed for a year. Nevertheless, students seized the opportunity for self-directed learning by participating in NCKU's online international summer school and taking high-quality international courses through the Coursera online platform to enrich themselves. During the summer, they also planned a series of welcoming activities for the second cohort of the program students, establishing a tradition of senior students mentoring juniors, which has continued to this day.
Students in the Purdue Dual Degree Program shared their learning experiences and future advice with freshmen through an English presentation
In 2022, as the pandemic began to ease, the first cohort of students, with their juniors, departed for Purdue University to participate in a summer study tour. Through professional courses offered by Purdue's College of Engineering, visits to research centers and laboratories, participation in U.S. Independence Day activities, and city tours, students became familiar with education programs in the U.S. and cross-cultural learning environments, solidifying their goal to pursue advanced studies in the U.S. Last year (2023), 16 students successfully applied and went to Purdue University for their fourth year of study. While studying in the U.S., they completed their bachelor's degrees at NCKU and applied to Purdue's Graduate Programs. This year (2024), except for one student who deferred the application, all 15 students were admitted to Purdue Graduate Programs. Ten were admitted to the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and five were admitted to the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, achieving outstanding results. Among them, one student was admitted to top universities such as Stanford University and Carnegie Mellon University. Another student was admitted to Purdue University's master's program at the end of last year and was accepted into Purdue University's doctoral program this year. The students have demonstrated strong capabilities and excellent performances, with limitless potential for their future careers.
2022 年暑假第一屆與第二屆學生赴美參加普渡大學密集課程
The first and second cohort of students participated in a summer intensive course at Purdue University in 2022
Purdue University is a distinguished public comprehensive university in the United States, particularly renowned for its research in engineering and agricultural sciences. Its College of Engineering consistently ranks in the top 10 nationally and is famously known as the Cradle of Astronauts, making it one of the world's leading engineering schools.  The NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program aims to cultivate future high-level engineering talents with international perspectives and interdisciplinary skills. Approved by the Ministry of Education, the NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program in the Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Information Engineering began enrolling students in the 2020 academic year. Students admitted to this program study at NCKU for the first three years and then go to Purdue for their fourth year. After receiving their bachelor's degree from NCKU and being admitted to Purdue, the students begin the master's program at Purdue,  with a good chance of earning the master's degree in one year.
2023 年首屆普渡雙聯組學生初抵美國合影
Group photo of the first cohort when they first arrived in the U.S.
The NCKU-Purdue Dual Degree Program is now in its fourth year. As the first cohort of students graduated from NCKU and continued their graduate studies in the U.S., the second cohort will depart for the U.S. this August to begin their fourth year of study. Additionally, the fourth cohort of students has just completed their summer study tour at Purdue University and will welcome the fifth cohort (class of 2025) in September.
Provider: NCKU News Center
Date: 2024-08-19
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