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Taiwan’s University Academic Alliance & Kyushu Okinawa Open University Hold Engaging Visits to Deepen Integrated Projects in Multiple Sectors

Written&Image credit to NCKU Office of Internation Affairs.
本校代表成員謝孫源國際長(前排左7)與長崎大學代表伊東 昌子學生·國際擔當理事(前排左6)及國家重點領域國際合作聯盟訪團、於長崎大學葉國璽交流會館前拍攝大合照
Group Photo taken at the Yeh Kuo-Shii Global Friendship Center, Nagasaki University.
From December 9th to 13th, 2024, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) was part of a significant visit to the Kyushu region. The visit, which involved a group of 45 representatives from 12 Taiwanese universities (members of the University Academic Alliance in Taiwan, UAAT), was aimed at fostering international collaboration. The visit included a collaboration meeting and 2 sessions of the UAAT Fair. It was based on the Memorandum of Understanding on International Cooperation between UAAT and KOOU (Kyushu Okinawa Open University), of which the four Japanese Universities mentioned are members.
成功大學國際事務處謝孫源國際長向熊本大學出席代表介紹國家重點領域國際合作聯盟與九州沖繩開放大學系統(Kyushu Okinawa Open University)合作之科學領域整合型計畫執行進度
Chair Prof. Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Vice President for International Affairs, gave overview on Integrated Collaboration Project on Science to the representatives of Kumamoto University.
During the visit, NCKU's representatives, including Chair Prof. Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Vice President for International Affairs, played a pivotal role. Chair Prof. Hsieh took the opportunity to introduce NCKU's research highlights and the friendly campus atmosphere to the faculty members and students from the Kyushu region. Meanwhile, Ms. Lisa Wu engaged with students interested in studying at NCKU, providing them with relevant information about university programs, such as mobility, degree, and internship programs.

成功大學國際事務處吳敏嘉專員於國家重點領域國際合作聯盟留學展(UAAT Fair)向九州大學學生介紹成功大學交流計畫內容
Ms. Lisa Wu, Manager for International Affairs, interacted with student from Kyushu University at the UAAT Fair.
In addition, as the Organizing University of the Integrated Collaboration Project on Sciences, Chair Prof. Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Vice President for International Affairs, presented the overview, details on collaboration activities, and, most importantly, the exciting future partnerships of the Integrated Collaboration Project. He also mentioned that NCKU will revisit the Kyushu region from December 16th to December 20th, bringing coordinating universities and key partners to visit coordinating universities in KOOU to discuss details on integrated collaboration projects on science. This forward-looking approach to collaboration was well-received in the lively panel discussion, which focused on enhancing bilateral scientific research on Space Technology Exploration, Advanced Green Energy Technology Development, and talent cultivation to leverage the expertise of Taiwanese and Japanese Scholars to create a lasting partnership. Around 100 students and 50 faculty and staff members at Nagasaki University participated in the UAAT Fair, further solidifying the potential of these future partnerships.
The University Academic Alliance in Taiwan originated from the Taiwan-U.S. education initiative. Both parties take reciprocity as the principle and combine industrial strength to jointly participate in talent cultivation, research and development of innovative technologies, and industry-university cooperation, which enhances the visibility and influence of Taiwan's higher education in the international community.
Provider: NCKU News Center
Date: 2024-12-18
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